Saturday, January 19, 2013

Wed, Thur, Fri...Kinda :)

Only week into this blogging business and I already forgot a day! In my defense, my goto photographer wasn't available...and my outfit may have made me feel like a puffy marshmallow, so it may be all for the best!

This week felt like it lasted forever. Not sure why every day I woke up completely exhausted, but I did. Even going to bed by 9 didn't seem to help. That did solidify howev, me only taking pics of my clothes and not my tired face, 😁

So Wednesday is out...but the marshmallow outfit consisted of black pants tht were too big (darn weight fluctuation) , a short sleeve white cotton stretched shirt, (darn weight fluctuation) and a long red cardigan with red shoes. Sounds non fluffy, doesn't it? IDK what happened.

Friday: Jeans and my super cute dr pepper Lion shirt, :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Monday and Snowesday, I mean, Tuesday...

I recently moved all my dresses (119 of them, in fact) to the spare room. My thinking was since I automatically reach for a dress most days, I wouldn't have a problem walking ALL the way down the hall to pick out an outfit.
So far, so good!
Monday's striped dress is from Old Navy, with leggings and boots.
Tuesday's bright dress was BNWT ($80 originally) from GW that I got for $3, :) I love half off days! Dresses at my fave GW (goodwill) are normally $5.99, so it's even more exciting when I can score a BRAND new cute one for half off! I only wore earrings today since the dress was busy enough!

Shooting for skirts and pants the rest of the week, we'll see!

warm legN,

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tues. Weds. Thurs. :)

As is the norm, things start to pick up and I blink and it's Thursday. Luckily, in the hectic-ness I did still manage to get pics of my clothes. :)

Tuesday was intensely WET & cold, so obviously, 3 in heels were called for. I was dreading the car pool line until I received a text telling me that there were some rain boots in the front closet...score! Add a hooded green rain coat and you have fabulousness. Or at least...semi dryness...

This dress is an older LOFT dress, but i wasn't crazy about it being worn sleeveless or me putting a shirt under. The solution is a sweater over and a belt!

So very Fenway of me!

Wednesday. A normal day at last!I like the look of Navy and Black together, and when you throw in boots, I feel like a rebel! This outfit was super comfy and the most expensive thing I'm wearing is that necklace! $24 from White House, Black impulse splurge!


I love all three pieces of this outfit, seperately. Together, eh. IDK. The khaki jacket is from Loft and I feel very Safari-esque...the dress is from GW, BNWT for $3.50 and my boots were a present from my staff a Christmas ago or so. LOVE them.

I'm also wearing my fave necklace. I buy almost all my jewelry from a principal here in the district who is amazing. This piece is all clear and silver so it goes with everything.

Thursday talkN,

Monday, January 7, 2013

the beginning...

Hi there. Yes, hi to BOTH of you, :) the ones that I have given this bloggy address too.

A little background...
While organizing my external closet solution I decided to count how many dresses I have. I enjoy the one outfit solution of the dress. I also enjoy the ease of thriftN when it comes to dresses. 

I knew I had a lot of dresses...I didn't however realize i had 119 of them. gulp. While some might be horrified by that discovery, I was quite proud. I don't wear the same outfit during any given season and have endured many a comment on how many clothes I must REALLY own, heh. This just proved why and how I was able to do so so effortlessly...which then lead to a conversation of how long I could go and not wear the same thing twice.

Viola. A blog was born. 

I'll post an outfit pic a day. Any dets...such as it's possible thriftiness. 
I may get crazy and include a recipe or house crafty moment. 

Either way, I'll keep you BOTH entertained! :)

Not very exciting, but today was an inservice day. :)
